Have you seen our weekly '80s music video homage hyping up our weekly softserve flavors? This week's video is "Whip It!" by Devo. They're zany and we have a lot of fun making these videos. Check them out on our Instagram every Monday!
We can’t believe we are the midpoint of 2017 already. Man, time flies! This past May was quite busy for us — Mothers Day brunches, various catered events, Memorial Day weekend, etc.
Since we are on the topic of Memorial Day, we want to thank all the brave men and women who serve our country and keep us safe. Their sacrifices, determination and hard work are truly appreciated!
We are on our regular farmers market schedule this week:
Wednesday, May 31
Blaisdell - 4pm - 7pm
Thursday, June 1
Kailua - 5pm - 7:30pm
Saturday, June 3
KCC - 7:30am - 11am
This week’s Mama Le specials are the following:
PHO GA TRON — “dry pho” — poached chicken, fresh noodles, herbs, veggies, mixed with mama le’s special dark sauce
BO LUC LAC — “shaken” rib eye steak cubes, red onions, waipio butter lettuce, pickled veggies
COM TAM — vietnamese broken rice w/ grilled pork chop, egg loaf, pickled veggies, fish sauce vinaigrette
As always, you can check the full schedule and menu over at the Farmers Market page.