Piggy Smalls — The Pig and the Lady




A Message from Owner and Chef

First off, I want to give thanks to all the wonderful individuals I had the privilege of working with at Piggy Smalls.

A great experience at a restaurant is the direct result of the transfer of energy imbued by the cooks, our farmers and co-producers, service staff, the creative designers, and our leadership. All of this creates a complex ecosystem that’s precious and paramount to how we do things.

With our collective efforts and shared love for hospitality, we created a culture/vibe that encouraged growth that our customers would feel in the food and service. So much work goes into crafting what we hope will be a pleasurable experience our guests can share with their friends and loved ones. This is only possible with the dedication of everyone who worked here these 7 years, past and present. Together we left our mark in our industry and made a lot of good memories. I’m forever grateful to you all and will never forget it. But now is the time for us to look towards our future.

As the chef proprietor, my kuleana is to protect that energy you are willing to give. And by closing this door, we open a new one back at home, The Pig and the Lady. By combining our teams, I can ensure we have enough support for everyone, thus creating balance and renewed energy. Though it was a hard decision for me to make, in my heart I knew it was the best choice for us. We look forward to continue to share what we love to do and hope you will come see what we will be happening in Chinatown. Ahui hou Piggy Smalls, you taught us so much and are thankful for our time.

- Andrew Le

Piggy Smalls opening crew, Oct. 14, 2016

Piggy Smalls closing crew, Feb. 12, 2023